8 Most Profitable Aquaponics Fish and System in 2017

Interested in the most profitable aquaponics fish and system in 2017? Great! You are at the best place as Insider Monkey has created an excellent compilation for you! Generally, most people turn to aquaponics system as a hobby or a way of using that extra space in the backyard. The aquaponics profit margin is difficult to determine for this particular reason. This remains to be a relatively new way of growing produce, and the majority don’t invest enough in it. According to one study, 31% of the producers gained revenue from their aquaponics system, but the rest had others sources of income. Either way, your aquaponics profit per square foot should be high enough if you decide to combine the right plants with our choice of most profitable aquaponics systems and fish.

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Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked three of the most profitable aquaponics fish and system in 2017from their list.

The first one is Media-filled beds. Admittedly, this method can require a lot of work. As opposed to rafts, the beds aren’t that easy to move so it can be time-consuming and hard. Also, it’s not the absolute best pick if you’re thinking large-scale (we have another solution for that). However, you can grow almost every kind of plant in them, and they are extremely simple to install and maintain, which isn’t always the case with other systems. The second one on our short list should be DWC (Deep Water Culture) system. DWC or the raft system is one of the most popular commercial aquaponics systems due to the variety of plants that can be grown and simplicity. Basically, the plants are floating on the water surface while the roots are hanging down and soaking up the nutrients from the water. It can be installed over a fish tank or a pond, but in that case, the fish will be tempted to eat the roots. That’s why the best way is to keep the fish in a fish tank while pumping the water into long channels with floating rafts. What is more, the system costs are moderate. At last, but not least we are mentioning Perch. The perch easily adapts to different conditions, which is a big plus. The only downside lies in the fact that this fish is carnivorous, which means its diet requires other fish, shrimp, and bugs.

For any further useful information, read Insider Monkey’s article about 8 most profitable aquaponics fish and system in 2017.

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