We present you the states that you should avoid in the list of the worst fake ID states to avoid. Insider Monkey’s compilation has brought a great time for us when reading it. Regardless of whether you just want to buy some booze or enter a club, you can easily get caught as with your fake ID. You have to bear in mind that bounces working at clubs were not born yesterday and they see hundreds of IDs a day. Eventually, they start to notice when something’s wrong. Of course, there is more than one way to spot a fake ID and you looking like you’re under 20-something doesn’t help. There is more to getting a fake ID than just paying some guy to get it for you, and you should really try to get some tips for making a fake ID before you pay some random guy to get it for you. The crucial moment is passing by security without them noticing there is anything wrong with your ID. That may be easier in some states compared to others.
Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked three of worst fake ID states to avoid from their list.
The first state can be Kansas now. If you are looking for the easiest IDs to fake, then you should probably skip Kansas because it is not one of them. In fact, it’s one of the hardest IDs to fake. Up to the next state we are mentioning Texas. According to what we found out, Texas is one of the hardest IDs to copy and not get caught so you should probably avoid it as well. at last, but not least let’s see Nebraska. If you want to enter a bar or a liquor store, avoid using a Nebraska fake ID because they are not easy to copy as well. Also, bouncers are not naive at all.
For any further useful information, read Insider Monkey’s article about 8 worst fake ID states to avoid.