9 Adult Art Classes in Brooklyn and Queens

Are you looking for adult art classes in Brooklyn and Queens? Great! you are the right place as Insider Monkey has investigated the best offers for you! Today we’re focusing on art classes in Queens, NY and art and painting classes Brooklyn because New York City is more than just Manhattan. So, on the list you will find a number of art classes for adults in Queens, NY and things like beginner drawing classes in Brooklyn that will not break the bank.

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In order to get the best classes, Insider Monkey has consulted the rich database at Class Curious. This site is always a great help if you want to search some excellent classes in any fields. Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked three adult art classes in Brooklyn and Queens from their list.

The first one is Eckford Street Studio. The average class size for the Figure Drawing: Model Draw (BYOB) class is 8 people. You will focus on figure drawing a professional live model with the guidance of a professional artist. Absolutely no previous experience is required to enjoy this experience. Keep in mind that materials aren’t provided. You will need to bring your own pencil, marker, ink, charcoal or whatever you want, including alcohol! The second class is at Brooklyn Art Space. The average size for the Figure Drawing class is 15 people. Here you will get the chance to work off of a live model. The materials aren’t provided in the class, except for a chair and a drawing board. You will have to bring paper, pencils, erasers, easels, charcoal, etc. You won’t be allowed to use electronics and cameras during the class, and you should also try to keep talking to a minimum during the session. Enjoy a wonderful lesson in figure drawing in Brooklyn. At last, but not least we are recommending Brooklyn Brainery. The average class size for the Class Charcoal Drawing for Beginners is 10 people. The teacher is Elysa, and she will teach you the skills and techniques needed for charcoal drawing. Pick out your favorite sketch, and you will get the chance to reproduce it in this class. Materials will be provided.

For any further useful information, read Insider Monkey’s article about 9 adult art classes in Brooklyn and Queens.

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