9 States That Give the Most Money to the Federal Government

After the first wave of the COVID-19, and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo accused the fedral government of not helping his state in these tough times, we thought it was high time we brought up with Insider Monkey’s latest article about the 9 states that give the most money to the federal government. All of us could learn how pandemic impacted our lives, how much it narrowed our possibilities. We had to live our lives as if there was stage of siege, we must’t even leave our apartments for weeks. All these made us revalue many things. For instance in the early of March a strong recession was predicted in the world market, and even now we can’t know where it will end. As scientists and governments are continually forecasting and speaking about the second wave of the coronavirus all over the world.

What will happen in the end of this year or the beginning of the next one? We can never know. The world and Untied States have changed a lot since the outbreaking of the pandemia. Only in the US there were more than 1.7 million cases and around one hundred thousand people died. If you followed Bergamo’s (Italy) situation, you could see that local crematoriums couldn’t cope with the extreme overload, so dead bodies were driven by large lorries to other ones outside Bergamo. It was horrible to see in the news what was happening there.

But what makes all this even worse? The fact, that actually we don’t know anything about this virus. We still don’t know anything: its origin, its impact, and perhaps the most important thing: we have no even the slightest idea how to get rid of it! We have no vaccination. All we have – tonnes of simple masks… As for myself, I always try to see the positive side of everything, and as I also got and recovered from this virus, I can tell you that I have already been much worse in my life than during coronavirus. But naturally it doesn’t mean that I want to understate this frightening situation, as it demanded hundreds of thousands of lives.

If we check the crises we can see that New York was the worst hit at the beginning, and there are still more cases there, than any other across America. Due to this crises all the states need to be supported, so let’s check out together the 9 states which pay the most to the Federal Government.

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9. Virginia

Total payment to the government (in million): $89,533

Payment to the government per capita: $10,489

Pixabay/Public domain

8.  Pennsylvania

Total payment to the government (in million): $126,416

Payment to the government per capita: $9,874

7. Maryland

Total payment to the government (in million): $68,531

Payment to the government per capita: $11,335

Pixabay/Public domain

6. Connecticut

Total payment to the government (in million): $55,482

Payment to the government per capita: $15,562

5. Illinois

Total payment to the government (in million): $136,409

Payment to the government per capita: $10,765

4. Massachusetts

Total payment to the government (in million): $94,805

Payment to the government per capita: $13,642

Pixabay/Public domain

3. New Jersey

Total payment to the government (in million): $119,009

Payment to the government per capita: $10,753

2. California

Total payment to the government (in million): $435,637

Payment to the government per capita: $11,025

1. New York

Total payment to the government (in million): $256,183

Payment to the government per capita: $13,162

New York got the first place on the list of states the give the most money to the federal government.

Pixabay/Public domain

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