Believe it or not, there are countries that have the death penalty or use capital punishment for drugs. Insider Monkey has come up with an jaw-dropping article again. When I hear or see like this, I always remember the movie Bangkok Hilton with Nicole Kidman. Those terrible circumstances in the prison…. those heart-breaking trials… and the will of the young woman. There are 33 countries that have the death penalty around the Earth, but actually carry out doesn’t happen in many countries. For instance, in the USA death penalty for drug trafficking exists on paper, but as a matter of facts it isn’t executed.
As the Amnesty International says hundreds of death penalty related to drug crimes were executed last year, and hundreds more had to face with death row. Sentencing someone to death penalty for possession or using drugs means represents breaching of the law of nations.
Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked three countries that have the death penalty or use capital punishment for drugs from their list.
The first one is Sri Lanka. No execution was carried out in Sri Lanka while 79 prisoners were put on the death row last year. Among them, there was one foreigner who was sentenced to death for drug trafficking. HRI notes that 12 people received capital punishment for drug-related crimes between 2012 and 2014, but none of them was executed. The second country is India. There were no executions in India last year. However, the country imposed 136 new death sentences. It was also estimated that there were more than 400 prisoners on the death row at the end of 2016. Amnesty International reports that among those convicted to the capital punishment were drug offenders while HRI notes that India imposes death sentences for drug-related crimes but does not carry out executions. at last, but not least, we are mentioning Thailand.
For any further useful information, read Insider Monkey’s article about top 12 countries that have the death penalty or use capital punishment for drugs.