Top 5 Countries With The Largest White Population Outside Of Europe

Want to know which are the top 5 countries with the largest white population outside of Europe? Great! We are here to help you with Insider Monkey’s latest compilation about this topic. Writing the article they, at Insider Monkey excluded European countries, as there are mainly white populations there. Originally white people used to live in Europe, but later during the conqueror expeditions they explore the other parts of the world and began to populate them. You will see that these countries are mainly are occupied of their modern ancestors. White people populated large continents, and they created wonders, such as skyscrapers, but they also did terrible things, especially to balck people. I hope it will change in the future, and no-one has to face with rassism again, as the futurity shouldn’t follow and repeat the mistakes of the ancestors. In the article you will see, Insider Monkey use the term “white” for those people, who have European origins.

The first country is Australia, as its 90% of population consists of whites, which means around 20 million people across this country. Canada is the second on the compilation with its 70 percent of the population, and it’s not surprising, I think. Let’s the third spot: it was given to Argentina, whose has about 41 million white population which actually means 97 percent. Believe it or not, but Brazil is also on the list, as 96.3 percent of its population includes white people.

I don’t think anyone will be surprised if we say the winner is the United States of America on the list of the countries with the largest white population outside of EuropeAmerica is proud of its multiculturalism, but as a matter of fact 75 percent of the whole population is white, although it started to decline, slowly but surely. For any more interesting data and fact, and for their methodology, pleace click the countries with the largest population outside of Europe.

Pixabay/Public Domain

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