Insider Monkey recently published an article in which we can find lots of interesting things about the top selling Japanese cigarettes brands. Have you ever been to Japan? Are you planning to go there and you are a smoker? Now, it’s a good chance to be familiar with brands in Japan.
As for me, I tried cigarette when I was five, I think. My elder brother encouraged me, and we smoked from our father’s cigarettes. It was horrible. I coughed, my eyes were in tears. Smoking can cause lung cancer, and many other serious and fatal diseases. In addition, their advertising has decreased compared to previous years, as well as the sales rate, according to Federal Trade Commission Cigarettes Report from 2013. However, even though the public is well introduced with anti-smoking campaigns and movements, there are still a big number of smokers all over the world. I am afraid I smoke, too. It is very interesting because I began smoking only three years ago. I smoke menthol flavored cigarettes, which is eventually the most popular flavor. But what about smoking in Japan?
Insider Monkey has investigated what are the top selling cigerattes brands in Japan. We have picked two brands from their list for now.
Hope cigarettes were first Japanese filtered cigarettes. They contain high levels of tar (14 mg) and nicotine (1,1 mg), but also filter enriched with charcoal, and charcoal filters disputably lower the chance of inhaling bad substances. Teh secon one is the Peace. Peace cigarettes have been on the stage since the 40s and remained among the top selling Japanese cigarette brands. Newly launched fancy luxury Peace cigarette series is made of only pure Virginia tobacco.
For any further interesting information read Insider Monkey’s article about top 5 selling Japanese cigarettes brands.